July 27, 2024

Ten Telegram Bots That Will Make Your Life Easier


Telegram bots are small programs that run inside telegram. We can use official Telegram bots as well as the bots created by Telegram users. Moreover we can even build our own bots! Here I am introuducing ten Telegram bots that make your day-to-day tasks easier.

Ten Telegram Bots for you to try


GMail Bot

@gmailbot – Do you need to read emails inside Telegram? With this bot you can simply do that! You can connect your GMail account with this bot. You will need to authorize this app in GMail. Then you will be able to read all incoming emails in GMail inside Telegram. With this officially verified bot you can also compose new mails and reply to incoming mails.

Get Public Link Bot

@getpubliclinkbot – So many people use Telegram as a cloud storage solution! Files upto 1.5GB of size can be transferred through Telegram. This Telegram bot will help you to download Telegram files through your browser instead of downloading them within Telegram which isn’t so fast. In order to get public download link of a file just send that file to this bot and follow the instructions.


See the video to know how to use getpubliclinkbot

Short URL Bot

@shorturlbot This Telegram bot will help you to shorten URLs. Simply send any link to this bot and it will shorten it.


APK Download Bot

@apkdl_bot – Using this bot you can download any Android application available in Play Store within Telegram itself. You will get the APK as a file available for download in Telgram or as an external link to download from your browser or a third-party download manager.

See how to use video

YouTube Bot

@utubebot / @ytaudio_bot / @anysavebot – These bots will help you to download YouTube videos in different formats. Additionally AnySaveBot also supports downloading from other domains such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

The Feed Reader Bot

@thefeedreaderbot – This bot will fetch you articles from RSS feeds to Telegram channels. You can also connect Facebook pages with this bot so that you can enjoy Facebook page posts in Telegram.

File Converter Bot

@fileconverterbot – This bot will help you convert files of various formats. For example this can be used to convert audio or video files into various available formats within Telegram itself.

Fakemail Bot

@fakemailbot – This bot can be used to generate fake emails which can be helpful for you in order to sign in to suspicious websites. This way you expose your private email id to potential spammers.

CricBuzz Bot

@cricbuzz_bot – This bot will fetch latest cricket news and score for you. If you are a cricket fan you should never miss this bot.

Cricbuzz Bot - Ten Useful Telegram Bots

Bot List Bot

@botlistbot – This bot is maintained by an active Telegram community. It shows you a collection of many useful bots for various purposes. You can search bots category-wise. You could also suggest new bots to be added to its database.

So, that’s it. What do you think about these Telegram bots? Aren’t they awesome? Got better suggestions? Just share them with us through the comments. You can also visit https://storebot.me/ to find more amazing Telegram bots.


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