As you may already know, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS released last week. As Ubuntu ditches Unity and adopted GNOME 3 as the default graphical interface, all GNOME themes can be installed in Ubuntu 18.04 now. First of all, you need an additional software to install Ubuntu 18.04 themes. This is known as GNOME Tweak Tool. You can install this by just entering the following in the terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal or launch it from applications menu):
sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool
After successfully installing GNOME Tweak Tool, you can select which icon theme to be loaded from the tweak tool. So here is my list of some best themes available for Ubuntu 18.04.
Suru – Ubuntu 18.04 Themes

You can install the Suru theme from the following repository. Here we use a mesa package to install the theme. Also, take care to install meson and git if you haven’t installed them already.
#install suru theme
git clone https://github.com/snwh/suru-icon-theme.git
cd suru-icon-theme.git
meson builddir --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C builddir install
Paper – Ubuntu 18.04 Themes

Paper is a modern theme with a mostly flat look and make use of shadows and highlights for icons. The colourful headers are increasing its overall appearance. It is perfect for those of you who love flat material theme.
#install paper theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:snwh/pulp
sudo apt-get update
#install icon theme
sudo apt-get install paper-icon-theme
#install cursor theme
sudo apt-get install paper-cursor-theme
#install gtk theme
sudo apt-get install paper-gtk-theme
Adapta – Ubuntu 18.04 Themes
Adapta is a Beautiful Theme for ubuntu. it consist of two themes packed together. Adapta and Adapta-Nokto. it is one of the best theme, because this package is well maintained and getting constant updates.
#install adapta theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tista/adapta
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install adapta-gtk-theme
sudo apt-get install adapta-backgrounds
Numix – Ubuntu 18.04 Themes
Numix is a beautiful icon theme for GNU/Linux systems. You can install Numix using the following command.
#install numix theme
sudo apt install numix-gtk-theme
Arc – Ubuntu 18.04 theme
Arc theme contains arc, arc dark and arc darker variants. theme package doesnt contain icons with it.
#install Arc theme
sudo apt-get install arc-theme