February 10, 2025

Fedora 28 Supplemental Wallpapers released Download now


Fedora 28 Supplemental wallpapers are announced. These wallpapers are avaialble as a part of upcoming Fedora 28 release in May 2018. All the wallpapers are released under CC-BY-SA license. So everybody can use it as a wallpaper for desktop or mobile phones. Fedora design team organized a contest to select a set of new wallpapers to supply with Fedora 28. A set of 16 fresh wallpapers are now available for download and use anywhere.

There are 107 wallpapers are submitted for the contest on the website apps.fedoraproject.org and the results are announced after the voting of community members.

Fedora 28 Supplemental wallpapers

1Aurora over Norway60img eischmann-IMGP7448bfed.pngAuthor: Helena Bartosova
License: CC-BY-SA
2Calm River54 img skamath-Calm.png Author: skamath
License: CC0
3A special, silent sunset47 img serg1990io-Sergio-Cortinovis-1.jpg Author: Sergio Cortinovis
License: CC-BY
4Fedora Wallpaper U745 img utkarsha7-IMG_20161015_170232.png Author: utkarsha7
License: CC-BY-SA
5zen40 img hhlp-zen3.png Author: hhlp
License: CC-BY-SA
6Alley in Sarsina, Italy34 img reblues-sarsina.png Author: Renato Biolcati Rinaldi
License: CC-BY-SA
7Stora Hornsjön32 img jeena-stora-horredesjoen.jpg Author: Jeena Paradies
License: CC-BY-SA
8On the roadside31 img akavalerov-On_the_roadside_2017-09-FI.jpg Author: Artem Kavalerov
License: CC0
9Mr30 img subhra1006-DSC_2535.png Author: Subhra Majhi
License: CC-BY
10Blur lights30 img davidlibeau-P1050408.png Author: davidlibeau
License: CC0
11Morning at Étang de Berre29 img folkertm-DSC02291_FO62.2.1.png Author: Folkert Meeuw
License: CC-BY-SA
12Purple Dream28 img gnokii-nature-grass-plant-meadow-flower-purple-483575.jpg Author: gnokii
License: CC0
13Where does it end?28 img gnokii-beach-sea-water-sand-ocean-horizon.jpg Author: gnokii
License: CC0
14Candle holder28 img akavalerov-Candle_holder_2017-05-RU.jpg Author: Artem Kavalerov
License: CC0
15cresent moon27 img rheslop-DSC04613_M.png Author: rheslop
License: CC0
16Nightlights26 img floch-nightlights.png Author: Fredrik Loch
License: CC-BY-SA

There are more very nice wallpapers are in the list which was not selected by the voters. Most of them looks good with great clarity. All these 108 wallpapers are now in CC-BY-SA license. So we can use it on a smartphone, tablet etc. Fedora 28 supplemental wallpapers are available as an rpm package to install in Fedora 28 in the stable repo. These wallpapers may be included in the iso of Fedora 28. The decision must be taken by the developer team of Fedora 28.



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